In The Doctor Takes a Wife, the second book in the "Brides of Simpson Creek" series by author Laurie Kingery, Sarah Matthews knows that Dr. Nolan Walker is a good man, not to mention a handsome one. But she just can't return the Yankee's affection so soon after the War. When the town is struck by a deadly influenza epidemic and Nolan battles to save Sarah's life, Sarah will have to decide if she could love this man. To read more about The Doctor Takes a Wife, click here. Additionally, Mail Order Cowboy, the first book in the series, is currently available from Harlequin as a Books on a Budget special!

In Breaking the Rules, by Tawny Weber, Max is off duty, but he still has one last job to do--look in on his best friend’s kid sister. Only once he meets Sophia, all thought of keeping his hands to himself go out the window. A recent widow, the last thing Sophia needs is another man telling her what to do. Even if that gorgeous man leaves her drooling in a puddle of lust... To read more, click here, and stay tuned for a special Valentine's Day event from Tawny Weber tomorrow.
Love the cover for Laurie's new book. Can't wait to get it.
Thanks for letting us know what's coming out.
Hello to Elaine!
Snow STILL falling here in Ohio.
Blessings & Best wishes always, Barb
Love the first cover :) the second.. well I had a momentary flash of 'it's the situation!' Damn the Jersey shore crew ;p
The Arrival, only .99c on Amazon
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